A Glimpse Into Our Salted Life
Hi! My name is Tracy, and Robin is my daughter; we are the owners of Salted Words.
God has, in His generosity gifted us with a love of creativity and a passion for "pretty things". Jesus said "use your talents and multiply them" this is a parable about a gift given and not keeping it to yourself. And everything God has created in us is to be used to glorify Him, so we are doing what we can to multiply our gifts and glorify our Lord and Savior and bless His people with and through our work.
We love creating new "works of art", we love anything and everything creative, especially in the area of home decorating. We have a home studio/workshop that we love to spend time in and have filled it with every art supply and power tool that we can get our hands on, we truly have a love affair with art, words, quotes, power tools, paint and wood. So it's fitting that we would end up being sign makers. We hope you see and feel it in our work.
Robin and I have been making signs, maps and paintings for our homes, family and friends and taking them to art fairs and festivals for seven years, 2014 we decided to take them to the web!
We started our little business endeavor with the name Ryan's place in honor of our son and brother, he loved our work and he was so excited about our first show, he was our biggest fan. He also showed us how to use each and every tool in our workshop so it was perfect to name our shop Ryan's Place. We then went on to become Ryansplacehomedecor on Etsy which we still own and operate. Then one day a name for a new business dropped into my head, Thank you Jesus, and we opened Salted Words. So come on in make yourself at home, have a look around, we welcome you to Salted Words, where we hope you find words to bless you!
Our name came from the Bible, Colossians 4:6 "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man".
We hope to share with you some of our art, poetry and thoughts, so come and enjoy with us, our salted life.
“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.”